Tuesday, November 4, 2008

OK, three things:

First: I feel silly and all because I promissed to publish and I didn't, sorry everybody, I have been a lazy person, but I'll try to publish a little bit more (I said TRY so don't have it guaranteed).

Seccond: I created an e-mail account so anyone can add me to messenger or send me some mails, it is afaonaro@hotmail.es , this is not my main adress so I won't be allways checking it, but I'll try to do it often (when I remember and feel like doing it).

Third: I once said that my two blogs would be only one, and that they would show the same information but in different languages, well, that was dumb, and I will not do that, because it is difficult, and i don't like to write the same things twice, so only some posts will be in both of them.

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